ホットトイズ(HOTTOYS) ブルース・リーDX 燃えよドラゴン。
-Authentic and detailed fully realized likeness of Bruce Lee as Lee in the movie Enter the Dragon
-Two (2) newly developed head sculpts with Parallel Eyeball Rolling System (PERS) with different facial expressions, including one (1) battle damaged ver. with scars on both sides of face
-Multi-layered stereoscopic hair sculpture
-Approximately 30 cm tall
-Newly sculpted muscular body with over 30 points of articulation with battle damaged scars on chest, waist and back
-Fourteen (14) pieces of interchangeable palms including:
-One (1) pair of relaxed palms
-One (1) pair of fists
-One (1) pair for holding nunchucks
-One (1) pair for holding rods
-One (1) pair of posing palms during grappling
-One (1) piece for grappling
-One (1) piece of open palm
-One (1) piece for practicing Wing Chun
-One (1) piece with thumb up for imitating his act of nose touching
-Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
-Two (2) sets of costume including:
Style 1:
-One (1) piece of Chinese style white shirt
-One (1) pair of dark blue trousers with black waist band
-One (1) pair of white socks
Style 2:
-One (1) one-piece dark blue stealth suit
-One (1) pair of black socks
-Two (2) pairs of black cotton shoes
-One (1) pair of nunchucks
-Two (2) short rods
-One (1) long rod
-One (1) dark blue bag
-One (1) ball of strings
-One (1) snake
-Two (2) movie-accurate diorama backdrops with Bruce Lee's Chinese nameplate, Chinese movie logo and MMS DX series title including:
-One (1) imitating the scenario of dungeon in the movie
-One (1) imitating the scenario of mirror room in the movie, with middle part of the mirror which can be rotated with its back showing scene of Chinese cultural implement of punishment
-A transparent pillar to be put in backdrop stand for figure standing and posing