
1/6 The Cowboy, The Bounty Hunter and The Bandit - Complete Trio フィギュア フルセット3体 *予約 

販売価格: 189,500円(税込)


クリント・イーストウッドの名を世界に轟かした大出世作『荒野の用心棒』『夕陽のガンマン』『続・夕陽のガンマン』をイメージした1/6サイズアクションフィギュアのフルセット3体。ヘッドの造型を手掛けたのは、フィギュア界最前線で活躍するトップクラスの原型師Trevor Grove氏。同氏とiminimeの初のコラボレーション作品となった今シリーズは大変希少性の高い作品となっています。

iminime&Trevor Grove製 
The Cowboy, The Bounty Hunter and The Bandit - Complete Trio フィギュア フルセット3体



(1)The Cowboy Fullset
- Handpainted Headsculpt with attached Hat and Cigar.
- Base body with over 30 points of articulation.
- Faux Fur Lined Leather-like Vest
- Western Style Striped Shirt
- Dark Jeans
- Green Fringed Poncho
- Small Black Neck Scarf-Tie
- Brown Belt
- Brown Gun Belt with Holster
- Navy Colt Revolver with Signature Coiled Snake Handle Design
- Brown Resin Boots with Real Metal Spurs
- Gun Grip Hands
- Relaxed Hands
- Fists

(2)The Bounty Hunter Fullset
- Handpainted Headsculpt with attached Hat.
- Base body with over 30 points of articulation.
- Brown Peak Lapel Jacket
- Satin-like Brown Waistcoat
- Black Western Style Shirt
- Dark Brown Pants
- Off-white Scarf
- Belt
- Black Leatherlike Gunbelt with resin Bullets
- Black Resin Boots
- Navy Colt Pistol
- Winchester Rifle
- Smoking Pipe
- Pocket Watch and Gold Chain
- Gun Grip Hands
- Relaxed Hands
- Fists

(3)The Bandit Fullset
- Handpainted Headsculpt with menacing Grint.
- Base body with over 30 points of articulation.
- Brown Courdoroy Jacket
- Off-White Western Style Shirt
- Light Brown Pants
- Suspeneders
- Brown Resin Boots
- Navy Colt Pistol with Leather-like Lanyard
- Leather-like Necklace with Scapular Pendant
- Leather-like Neck Band
- Noose Rope
- Three Silver Rings
- Gun Grip Hands
- Relaxed Hands
- Fists



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