
Play One Twelve 1/12 ハーミット マスター アクションフィギュア POT-0007 *予約

販売価格: 19,180円(税込)


Play One Twelve Galactic Hunter POT-0006

- 1/12スケールのアクションフィギュア。
- 全高約14.5cm。
- 素体は可動ポイント30箇所。

*予約期限は、4月7日 23:59、まで。

- Highly realistic detailed head sculpt
- Head sculpt is specially hand-painted
- 1/12 scale body with 30 points of articulation
- Approximately 14.5 cm tall

- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including:
- One (1) pair of closed fist gloved hands
- 一 (1) pair C-grip gloved hands
- One (1) pair trigger gloved hands

- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable hands:
- One (1) pair of closed fist hands
- One (1) pair of spread-out hands
- One (1) pair of weapons holding hands

- One (1) beige tunic with tabards and sash
- One (1) beige under tunic
- 一 (1) pair of beige pants
- 一 (1) brown sleeveless hooded robe
- One !1) nomadic backpack with 2 bed rolls and bandoliers
- One (1) pair of brown colored boots

- One (1) laser sword with removable blades
- One (1) silver colored hilt
- One (1) black colored hilt
- 一 (1) long rifle
- Two (2) bladed sticks

- One (1) binoculars
- One (1) robot caller
- One (1) armor (cannot be worn by figure)
- 一數 (1) figure stand


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