
POPTOYS 1/6 中国国軍将領 ボディ2体 フィギュア EX010 *お取り寄せ

販売価格: 29,580円(税込)


POPTOYS製 中国国軍将領 EX010

- ヘッド1個、ボディ2体、衣装3種のセット内容です。


- Head*1
- Body*2
- Armed belt *1
- Messenger *1
- Is *1 (containing alloy blade sword scabbard, material)
- hanging with sword *1
- Gun *1
- holster *1(including 5 Alloy bullets)
- Mud colored army coat *1
- American uniform*1 (uniform jacket buttoned, badges, material of alloy; chest slightly)
- American Uniform Pants *1
- Cap *1 (insignia made of alloy)
- Shirt *1
- Tie *1
- Leather shoes *1
- Blue uniform *1 (buttons, insignia on collar made of material)
- Blue pants *1
- Blue circle cap *1 (insignia alloy material)
- White shirt *1
- Leather boots *1
- Chinese long jacket *1
- Black pants *1
- Black hat *1
- Black clothing shoes *1
- Cotton shirt *1
- Pistol *2


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