
FENG TOYS 1/6 宋王朝 岳家 背嵬軍 歩人甲 重装歩兵 アクションフィギュア 甲冑台 2種 008AB *予約

販売価格: 29,680円(税込)


FENG 008A: 背嵬軍 重装歩兵フィギュア

▽FENG 008B: 甲冑+甲冑台セット

- 中国・南宋時代の武将・岳飛率いる岳家軍最強の精鋭部隊『背嵬軍』。その重装歩兵が、雄々しく歩人甲をまとう姿で1/6スケール(約30cm)のアクションフィギュアとなって登場。打撃武器の手錘のほか、槍や弓などの武器も豊富に付属します。併せて、甲冑とそれを飾る装飾が施されたディスプレイ用甲冑台のセットもご用意。約1800枚ある鎧の札甲等の縫製は一枚一枚手縫いで仕上げられています。

*予約期限は、2022年1月25日 23:59、まで。

FENG 008A: 背嵬軍 重装歩兵フィギュア
-Head sculpt
-Hair crown
-Alternative chirality (3 pairs)
-Exquisite packaging box
-Leather boots (high-fiber leather)
-Weight gain clothing
-Cloth belt
-Cloth waist tie rope
-Leather girdle (high fiber leather)
-Brass leather belt
-Metal full body armor (1800 pieces of hand-made independent nail pieces, high-fiber leather)
-Metal helmet (hand sewn)
-Metallic item (hand-made independent nail piece sewing)
-Brass eyebrow cover
-Brass shoulder swallow
-Brass belly swallow
-Metal shield (hand-made independent nail piece sewing, high-fiber leather)
-Metal inner armor (hand-made independent nail pieces, high-fiber leather)
-Metal Armguards
-Metal skirt armour is sewn by hand with independent armour piece, high-fiber leather)
-Metal Song Knife
-Metal lance
-Metal carbine
-Metal hand hammer
-Canvas tiger head shield
-Arrows (5 pcs)
-Kettle (cowhide)
-Tie rope
-Bow bag (cowhide + brass)
-Arrow bag (cowhide + brass)
-Throwing gun bag (cowhide + brass)

FENG 008B: 甲冑+甲冑台セット
-Exquisite corset table (solid wood and metal)
-Metal full body armor (1800 pieces of hand-made independent nail pieces, high-fiber -leather)
-Metal helmet (hand sewn)
-Metallic item (hand-made independent nail piece sewing)
-Brass eyebrow cover
-Brass shoulder swallow
-Brass belly swallow
-Metal shield (hand-made independent nail piece sewing, high-fiber leather)
-Metal inner armor (hand-made independent nail pieces, high-fiber leather)
-Metal Armguards
-Metal skirt armour is sewn by hand with independent armour piece, high-fiber leather)


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