- 本品の翼に関して寄せられた意見を踏まえ、以下の点について改修します。
*予約期限は、5月27日 23:59、まで。
- 2 x Highly detailed head sculpts, one unhelmeted and one helmeted with LED light u p eyes.
- 1/6 Scale figure mucsuler body, approximately 30cm tall
- Gloved hands x 7 pieces
- Leather jacket with fur collar
- Pants
- backstrap
- Greaves
- Mechanical Wings, with LED light up rotatable motors, 92cm →103.38cm wingspan
- Mechanical arm armor
- Articulated mechanical leg armor with boots and foldable talons
Other accessories:
- Hand holder controller x2
- Blaster Gun with LED light
- Figure Stand