- 中国後漢末期から三国時代に活躍した「呂布」が、1/6スケール(約30cm)のアクションフィギュアで登場。字は奉先。弓術・馬術に秀で三国志最強の呼び声高い武将。
- 本品は、呂布の甲冑姿(MP032)に加え、宮廷服姿、呂布に愛された女性「貂蝉」の計3体のフィギュアが同梱する豪華な「アルティメット版」です。貂蝉は、架空の人物ながら、古代中国四大美女の一人に数えられています。
*予約期限は、10月16日 23:59 まで。
- One (1) head sculpture of Lv Bu (serious expression) with hair crown
- One (1) head sculpture of Lv Bu (laughing expression) with hair crown
- Two (2) super active body
- Seven (7) pieces of interchangeable palms
Official Costumes:
- One (1) black robe with goledn edging
- One (1) pair of black pants
- One (1) red half-sleeveing robe
- One (1) red waist band
- One (1) black lower body garment
- One (1) pair of black squre-headed shoes
General Costumes:
- One (1) white shirt
- One (1) red robe
- One (1) pair of red pants
- One (1) golden wing helmet with red leather edging and monster decoration
- One (1) hair crown with pheasant's tail feathers
- One (1) suit of chest-back golden armor with red leather edging
- One (1) pair of golden shoulder armors with red leather edging and dragon decoration
- One (1) suit of golden waist armor with red leather edging
- One (1) pair of golden and red vambraces
- One (1) pair of golden and red cuishes
- One (1) piece of waist cloth with red leather edging
- One (1) golden monster buckle
- One (1) black leather belt
- One (1) pair of golden shoes
- One (1) red cloak
- One (1) long red cloak
- One (1) Heaven Halberd with both sides of new-moon shaped blades
- One (1) Heaven Halberd with single side of a new-moon shaped blade
- One (1) sword with red scabbard
- One (1) Dragon Tongue Bow with a leather holder
- Five (5) arrows with a leather holder
- One (1) black figure stand
- One (1) trident flag pole with base
- One (1) red war flag of Lv's family name
- One (1) head sculpture of Diao Chan with gold hair decorations and pearl earings
- One (1) super active female body
- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable palms
- One (1) white robe with wide sleeves
- One (1) dark green long skirt
- One (1) light blue half-sleeving robe
- One (1) red waist band
- One (1) dark blue lower body garment with phoenix pattern
- One (1) pair of red and white squre-headed shoes
- One (1) red hooded cloak
- One (1) black figure stand
- One (1) gold waist chain
- One (1) gold hand warmer