エンターベイ ジャン・レノ Leon(レオン)- The Professional
- An incredible likness head sculpture of Jean Reno as Leon in the movie
- 5 Shotguns including:
one Ruger SP101
one Beretta 92FS
one Smith & Wesson Model 586
one Smith & Wesson Model 41
one springfield M1911-AS SASS
- Six grenades
- one folding dagger
- one RM-4 ABS action body with more than 30 points of ariculation
- 10 pieces of interchangeable hands
- one brown pleathers worker vest for holding weapons and tools
- one grey wooly beanie hat
- one dark grey long felt coat
- one black long-sleeve shirt
- one white long-sleeve shirt
- one pair of black trousers
- one pair of round sun-glasses
- one houseplant
- one milk carton
- one milk glass
- one pleathers suitcase
- one FS-201 Figure stand