ホームCOOモデル/ COOMODELCOOMODEL 1/6 ヘビー ケンタウロス パラディン ≪純銅スタンダード版≫ ≪純銅コレクターズ版≫ アクションフィギュア 2種 SE140 SE141 *予約

COOMODEL 1/6 ヘビー ケンタウロス パラディン ≪純銅スタンダード版≫ ≪純銅コレクターズ版≫ アクションフィギュア 2種 SE140 SE141 *予約

販売価格: 161,680円~179,980円(税込)
SE140: 純銅スタンダード版

SE141: 純銅コレクターズ版

COOMODEL Heavy Centaur Paladin Pure Copper

- アーマースーツ(鎧)は重厚感と質感にこだわり、100%銅製仕上げになっています。

*予約期限は、4月7日 23:59、まで。

SE140: 純銅スタンダード版
- One (1) scarred face head sculpt
- One (1) custom centaur body: articulated human upper body + sculpted horse lower body
- Six (6) interchangeable bare hands
- Four (4) interchangeable gloved hands

Costumes and Armors:
- One (1) purple-red inner shirt
- One (1) purple copper carved helmet with red feather decoration
- One (1) purple copper carved half torso plate armor
- One (1) purple copper carved large left pauldron
- One (1) purple copper carved multi-layered right pauldron
- One (1) pair of purple copper carved elbow guards
- One (1) purple copper carved spiked left hand gauntlet
- One (1) purple copper carved cone-shaped right hand gauntlet
- One (1) purple copper carved horse body armor (with spiked chest and layered spine plates)
- One (1) pair of purple copper carved front leg armors
- One (1) pair of purple copper carved hind leg armors

- One (1) purple copper armored knight’s spear
- One (1) golden-hilted knight’s longsword with scabbard
- One (1) purple copper carved round spiked shield

- One (1) centaur leaping pose figure stand

SE141: 純銅コレクターズ版
- One (1) scarred face head sculpt
- One (1) custom centaur body: articulated human upper body + sculpted horse lower body
- One (1) 1/6 scale highly articulated body (for human form replacement)
- Six (6) interchangeable bare hands
- Four (4) interchangeable gloved hands

Costumes and Armors:
- One (1) purple-red inner shirt
- One (1) purple copper carved helmet with red feather decoration
- One (1) purple copper carved half torso plate armor
- One (1) purple copper carved large left pauldron
- One (1) purple copper carved multi-layered right pauldron
- One (1) pair of purple copper carved elbow guards
- One (1) purple copper carved spiked left hand gauntlet
- One (1) purple copper carved cone-shaped right hand gauntlet
- One (1) purple copper carved horse body armor (with spiked chest and layered spine plates)
- One (1) pair of purple copper carved front leg armors
- One (1) pair of purple copper carved hind leg armors
- One (1) pair of black trousers (for human form replacement)
- One (1) leather belt (for human form replacement)
- One (1) pair of purple copper carved leg armor (for human form replacement)
- One (1) pair of purple copper carved battle boots (for human form replacement)

- One (1) purple copper armored knight’s spear
- One (1) golden-hilted knight’s longsword with scabbard
- One (1) purple copper carved round spiked shield
- One (1) purple copper carved war hammer

- One (1) leaping pose figure stand with broken brick platform


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