ACI Toys製 ローマ・オプティオ TOTAL ROME-Warriors “Rome Optio” 14B.
■ Armors and Clothing
1. Roman Imperial Gallic Style Helmet
2. Roman Style Armor- Lorica segmentata (each segment is individual piece)
3. Tunics & Pants/Braccae & Focale (Scarf) & Headband
4. Cloak
5. Legionary waist belt with apron
6. Roman Leather Baldric
7. Sandals (Marching Boots)
■ Weapons
1. Gladius (Sword) and Scabbard
2. Pugio (dagger) and Scabbard
3. Javelin
4. Scutum (Shield)
** Body: Medium Built Bodies – Christian Ver. 4. (unpaint, over 30 points of articulation, 4 pairs of hands, strengthened joint for static stability)
** Hand painted Headsculpt