303TOYS 1/12 『封神第一部: 朝歌風雲』殷商王朝 紂王 殷寿 アクションフィギュア 2種 FS002 FS002B *予約
NO.FS002: ソロアーマー版
NO.FS002B: ウォー ホース デラックス版
- 中国の神仙映画「封神第一部:朝歌風雲」(邦題:封神〜嵐のキングダム〜)より、殷(商)王朝最後の天子(皇帝)・紂王(殷寿)の1/12スケールのアクションフィギュアが303トイズから登場。
- 台湾の俳優・費翔(クリス・フィリップス)演じる殷寿の特徴を捉えたヘッドに、鎧は1/12サイズであることを感じさせない細かさとリアルな質感を追求。「戦馬」についても、付属する馬鎧を細かく再現して仕上げています。
*予約期限は、3月6日 23:59 まで。
▽NO.FS002: ソロアーマー版
- One (1) head sculpture of Yin Shou
- One (1) 1/12th hyper-articulated body
- Six (6) interchangeable palms
Costumes & Armors:
- 一 (1) golden Taotie horned helmet
- One (1) white inner shirt
- 一 (1) white long shirt with Taotie pattern
- 一 (1) golden Taotie pattern chest and back armor plate
- 一 (1) pair of white pieced shoulder and upper arm armor with gold beast-face decoration
- One (1) pair of white pieced forearm armor with gold beast-face decoration
- One (1) white pieced waist armor with golden edges
- 一 (1) golden Taotie pattern belt
- 一 (1) golden Taotie pattern front waist plate armor
- One (1) pair of white pieced waist and thigh armor with gold beast-face decoration
- One (1) pair of white pieced lower leg armor with gold beast-face decoration
- One (1) pair of black gold-patterned battle shoes
- One (1) white fur cloak with black dots
- One (1) golden divine pattern axe halberd
- One (1) golden divine pattern long sword and scabbard
- One (1) black figure stand
▽NO.FS002B: ウォー ホース デラックス版
- One (1) head sculpture of Yin Shou
- One (1) 1/12th hyper-articulated body
- Six (6) interchangeable palms
Costumes & Armors:
- 一 (1) golden Taotie horned helmet
- One (1) white inner shirt
- 一 (1) white long shirt with Taotie pattern
- 一 (1) golden Taotie pattern chest and back armor plate
- 一 (1) pair of white pieced shoulder and upper arm armor with gold beast-face decoration
- One (1) pair of white pieced forearm armor with gold beast-face decoration
- One (1) white pieced waist armor with golden edges
- 一 (1) golden Taotie pattern belt
- 一 (1) golden Taotie pattern front waist plate armor
- One (1) pair of white pieced waist and thigh armor with gold beast-face decoration
- One (1) pair of white pieced lower leg armor with gold beast-face decoration
- One (1) pair of black gold-patterned battle shoes
- One (1) white fur cloak with black dots
- One (1) golden divine pattern axe halberd
- One (1) golden divine pattern long sword and scabbard
- One (1) black warhorse (standing on hind legs)
- 一 (1) golden horse face armor with feather decoration
- 一 (1) black leather lining with white pieced armor on horse's head
- 一 (1) golden beast face patterned black leather lining with white pieced armor on horse's chest
- One (1) black leather lining with white pieced armor on horse's rump
- One (1) set of black bridle and reins
- One (1) black saddle pad
- One (1) tiger skin saddle lining
- One (1) black saddle with gold edges
- One (1) pair of golden stirrups
- 一 (1) transparent support rod
- One (1) sandy ground base
- One (1) black figure stand