Miniwork製 1/12 Ranger Of The North MW-001
- 本品は、1/12スケール、全高約15-16cm のアクションフィギュアです。
*予約期限は、8月14日 23:59、まで。
- Highly realistic mini head sculpture*1
- A 1/12 scale body (with 30 joint points, Approximately 15 cm tall)
- Five interchangeable hands, including:
- A pair of clenched hands with the weapon
- A pair of relaxed hands
- An archer
-A bloodstained hand
- A loose-sleeved undergarment
- A distressed vest
- A distressed leather jacket
- One cape (including clasp)
- A pair of distressed pants
- 1 sword (including scabbard)
- 1 bow and arrow
- 1 quiver
- 4 arrows
- A pair of bracers
- 1 tactical belt
-1 pair of worn-in shoes
-1 pair of distressed boots
- 1 pipe
- 1 marching quilt
- 1 food packet
- 1 acrylic transparent floor