FIRE PHOENIX 1/6 テンプル騎士団 マルタ騎士団 アクションフィギュア 3種 FP003 FP004 FP006 *予約
▽FP003: マルタ騎士団

▽FP004: テンプル騎士団

▽FP006: 2体(FP003+FP004)セット+特典

- 新興メーカー「ファイアフェニックス」から、中世ヨーロッパに結成された騎士修道会のうち、「マルタ騎士団」(FP003)、「テンプル騎士団」(FP004)のアクションフィギュアが1/6スケールで登場。ヘルメット、武器は本物さながらのメタル仕上げになっています。2体セットをご注文の場合、特典として、スペシャルヘルメット(=画像参照)が追加付属します。
*予約期限は、4月18日 23:59、まで。
▽FP003: マルタ騎士団 (全高31cm)
The 1/6 Scale Malta Knight Hospitaller Action Figure Specially Features:
- One (1) head sculpt
- One (1) super active body
- Four (4) pieces of interchangeable palms
- Two (2) pieces of interchangeable gloved palms
- One (1) white coat
- One (1) pair of black pants
- One (1) black sleeveless robe with white cross
- One (1) beige sleeveless cotton robe
- One (1) black cloak with white cross
- Two (2) leather belts
- Two (2) red arm badges with white cross
- One (1) chain head armor
- One (1) upper body chain armor
- One (1) pair of chain leg armors with boots
- One (1) plain-topped silver masked helmet
- One (1) sword with scabbard
- One (1) hammer
- One (1) red shield with white cross
▽FP004: テンプル騎士団 (全高31cm)
The 1/6 Scale Lion Knight Templar Action Figure Specially Features:
- One (1) head sculpt
- One (1) super active body
- Four (4) pieces of interchangeable palms
- Two (2) pieces of interchangeable armed palms
- One (1) black coat
- One (1) pair of black pants
- One (1) pair of leather boots
- One (1) blue sleeveless robe with lion pattern
- One (1) blue sleeveless cotton robe
- One (1) black cloak
- Two (2) leather belts
- Two (2) blue arm badges with lion pattern
- One (1) hooded upper body chain armor
- One (1) pair of chain leg armors
- One (1) silver masked helmet with headscarf
- One (1) sword with scabbard
- One (1) meteor hammer
- One (1) blue shield with lion pattern
▽FP006: 2体セット(FP003+FP004)+特典
- FP003 set
- FP004 set
Special Bonus:
- One (1) gold cross masked helmet