▽PL2021-188A: Black

▽PL2021-188B: White

- 鰐の頭をもった古代エジプトの神、セベク(ソベク、Sobek)の1/6サイズ(高さ約30cm)のアクションフィギュアが、TBリーグから登場。
*予約期限は、3月31日 23:59、まで。
▽PL2021-188A: Black
1)1 x head sculpt with fixed headdress
2)1 x TBLeague 1/6 scale male seamless body with metal skeleton
3)1 x neck armor
4)1 pair x bands for upper arms
5)1 x strip of cloth for right upper arm
6)1 x sleeve for left lower arm
7)1 pair x armor for lower arms
8)1 x waist armor
9)1 x leather skirt-like garment
10)1 x skirt/kilt-like garment (fabric material)
11)1 pair x detachable feet
12)1 x ankh
13)1 pair x armor for lower legs
14)1 x calf leg sleeve for right lower leg
15)3 pairs x interchangeable hands
16)1 x sword
17)1 x scabbard for the sword
18)1 x sceptre
19)1 x base with holder
20)1 x underpants
21)1 x belt for hanging shield
22)1 x shield
23)1 x a trip of cloth to fasten on the waist
▽PL2021-188B: White
1)1 x head sculpt with fixed headdress
2)1 x TBLeague 1/6 scale male seamless body with metal skeleton
3)1 x neck armor
4)1 pair x bands for upper arms
5)1 x strip of cloth for right upper arm
6)1 x sleeve for left lower arm
7)1 pair x armor for lower arms
8)1 x waist armor
9)1 x leather skirt-like garment
10)1 x skirt/kilt-like garment (fabric material)
11)1 pair x detachable feet
12)1 x ankh
13)1 pair x armor for lower legs
14)1 x calf leg sleeve for right lower leg
15)3 pairs x interchangeable hands
16)1 x sword
17)1 x scabbard for the sword
18)1 x sceptre
19)1 x base with holder
20)1 x underpants
21)1 x belt for hanging shield
22)1 x shield
23)1 x a trip of cloth to fasten on the waist