303TOYS 1/12 掌上三国 董卓仲穎 アクションフィギュア 戦馬 戦旗 太師版 SG010 SG010-B SG012 *予約
SG010: デラックス版

SG010-B: デラックスバトルフィールド版

SG012: 太師版

- 三国志に登場する猛将・勇将・知将を手のひらに収まる1/12スケールのアクションフィギュアとして再現する、303トイズの「掌上三国」シリーズ。今回リリースされるのは、中国後漢末期に活躍した武将「呂布」と「董卓」、そして中国四大美女の一人と称される「貂蝉」(ちょうせん)。三国志演義に出てくる有名な話の一つ「美女連環の計」の策略に関わった当事者たちをフィーチャーしています。呂布と董卓には「デラックス版」と「デラックス バトルフィールド版」があり、そのうち後者には戦馬や戦旗が追加付属します。
- こちら董卓(仲穎)のセットでは、上記2種に加え、董卓が太師となった姿を再現した「太師版」がリリース。北斗七星が装飾されている儀式剣「七星宝刀」が付属します。
*予約期限は、12月5日 23:59 まで。
▽SG010: デラックス版
The 1/12th Dong Zhuo (Single Figure Edition) Collectible Figure Speciall Features:
- One (1) head sculpture
- One (1) 1/12 body
- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable palms
- One (1) black and gold phoenix helmet with red tassels
- One (1) dark red cross-collar long robe
- One (1) pair of dark red pants
- One (1) black and gold leather kirin pattern chest plate with diamond-shaped plates
- One (1) black and gold leather monster pattern shoulder armour with diamond-shaped plates
- One (1) pair of red vambraces with gold edging
- One (1) black-edged brocade corset
- One (1) gold dragon head buckle
- One (1) leather belt
- One (1) black and gold leather waist and hip armour with diamond-shaped plates
- One (1) pair of black and red cuishes with gold edging
- One (1) pair of red boots with gold edging
- One (1) red cloak
- One (1) long sword with a black scabbard
- One (1) black figure stand
▽SG010-B: デラックスバトルフィールド版
The 1/12th Dong Zhuo (Figure-Horse-Flag Edition) Collectible Figure Speciall Features:
- One (1) head sculpture
- One (1) 1/12 body
- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable palms
- One (1) black and gold phoenix helmet with red tassels
- One (1) dark red cross-collar long robe
- One (1) pair of dark red pants
- One (1) black and gold leather kirin pattern chest plate with diamond-shaped plates
- One (1) black and gold leather monster pattern shoulder armour with diamond-shaped plates
- One (1) pair of red vambraces with gold edging
- One (1) black-edged brocade corset
- One (1) gold dragon head buckle
- One (1) leather belt
- One (1) black and gold leather waist and hip armour with diamond-shaped plates
- One (1) pair of black and red cuishes with gold edging
- One (1) pair of red boots with gold edging
- One (1) red cloak
- One (1) long sword with a black scabbard
- One (1) black horse
- One (1) leather bridle and reins
- One (1) leather copper-studded belt
- One (1) red lining cloth
- One (1) leopard fur lining cloth
- One (1) leather saddle pad
- One (1) saddle and stirrups
- One (1) stone drum flag base
- One (1) trident flagpole
- One (1) dark red flag with black border and Dong character war flag
- One (1) black figure stand
▽SG012: 太師版
The 1/12th Dong Zhuo (Grand Tutor Costume) Collectible Figure Speciall Features:
- One (1) head sculpture
- One (1) 1/12 body
- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable palms
- One (1) black Xiezhi crown
- One (1) red cross-collar long robe with cloud patterns
- One (1) pair of black pants
- One (1) black short-sleeved outer robe with embroidered edges
- One (1) red corset
- One (1) belt with gold and jade buckle
- One (1) black apron with beast patterns
- One (1) pair of black square-toed shoes
- One (1) Seven Stars treasure sword
- One (1) black figure stand