ホームi8TOYSi8TOYS 1/6 夜叉 大神姉妹 公奈&莉月彩 アクションフィギュア 2種 I8-GLIE001 I8-GLIE002 *予約

i8TOYS 1/6 夜叉 大神姉妹 公奈&莉月彩 アクションフィギュア 2種 I8-GLIE001 I8-GLIE002 *予約

I8-GLIE001: 大神公奈

I8-GLIE002: 大神莉月彩

- i8トイズがGharlieraとタッグを組んだ新シリーズ「ザ ガールズ オブ アーマメント」。第一弾に、魔族「夜叉」の大神公奈(きな)と莉月彩(りるあ)の双子の美少女姉妹が1/6スケールのアクションフィギュアで登場。ヘッドは角があるものとないもの、ヘアパーツは樹脂タイプと植毛タイプがそれぞれ付属します。目線が動かせるギミック機能内蔵。

*予約期限は、11月24日 23:59、まで。

I8-GLIE001: 大神公奈
- Female body (hybrid teenage body with metal skeleton) *1PC
- "Kina" Head Sculpt (with horns) expression with Protruding tougue (Moveable Eyes) *1PC
- "Kina" Head Sculpt (without horns) expression with Protruding tougue (Moveable Eyes) *1PC
- Interchangeable hair for horns ver. *1PC
- Interchangeable hair for normal ver. *1PC
- Rooted hair for horns ver. *1PC
- Rooted hair for normal ver. *1PC
- Left Hands *4PCS
- Right Hands *4PCS
- Black Jacket *1PC
- Red Waist bag with Sword Belt combo *1PC
- Black Navy Shirt *1PC
- Necktie *1PC
- Black Pleated Skirt *1PC
- Wide Shoulder Armor *2PCS
- Arm Armor *2PCS
- Sports Socks *1PR
- Sports Shoes *1PR
- Short Blade *1PC
- Blue Handle Katana *1PC
- Black Handle Tanto (Japanese Dagger) *1PC

I8-GLIE002: 大神莉月彩
- Female body (hybrid teenage body with metal skeleton) *1PC
- "Rirua" Head Sculpt (with horns) Normal expression (Moveable Eyes) *1PC
- "Rirua" Head Sculpt (without horns) Normal expression (Moveable Eyes) *1PC
- Interchangeable hair (for horns ver.) *1PC
- Interchangeable hair (for normal ver.) *1PC
- Rooted hair for horns ver.) *1PC
- Rooted hair for normal ver. *1PC
- Left Hands *4PCS
- Right Hands *5PCS
- White Jacket *1PC
- White Navy Shirt *1PC
- Red Rope *1PC
- Yellow Obi Belt with Blue Stripes *1PC
- Red & White Waist Tying Rope *1PC
- Waist Armor Plate *2PCS
- White Pleated Skirt *1PC
- Necktie *1PC
- Sports Socks *1PR
- Sports Shoes *1PR
- tobacco pipe stem *1PC
- Long Katana *1PC
- Katana with Green Handle *1PC
- Wakizashi with Orange handle *1PC


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