MP039: 純銅スタンダード版
MP040: 純銅デラックス版
MP041: 戦馬
MP042: 太師版
MP044: 非売品(MP039およびMP040 予約特典品)

- 303トイズが展開する三国シリーズに、中国後漢末期に活躍した「董卓 仲穎」(とうたく ちゅうえい)が1/6スケールのアクションフィギュアで登場。関連アイテムは4つ。うち「MP039」および「MP040」に同梱する鎧は、約2000枚からなる純銅製の銅版を一つ一つ手作業で縫い合わせて制作されたもの。予約期限内にご注文いただくと、特典として「純銅 麒麟ベルトバックル」(MP044: 非売品)が追加付属します(=画像参照)。このほか、董卓の戦馬、董卓が太師となった姿を再現した「太師版」がリリース。太師版では、北斗七星が装飾されている儀式剣「七星宝刀」が付属します。
*予約期限は、12月21日 23:59 まで。
▽MP039: 純銅スタンダード版
The 1/6th Scale Dong Zhuo (Standard Copper Edition) Collectible Figure Specially Features:
- One (1) Dong Zhuo head sculpture (featuring a lotus hairpin bun and realistic implanted beard)
- One (1) 1/6 over-weighted articulated body
- Seven (7) interchangeable hands
Costumes & Armors:
- One (1) dark red cross-collar long robe
- One (1) pair of dark red pants
- One (1) flying fish helmet with red tassels
- One (1) gold dragon-patterned leather chest and back armor with scale plates
- One (1) gold beast-patterned leather shoulder armor with scale plates
- One (1) pair of gold leather vambraces
- One (1) brocade waist wrap
- One (1) oversized gold lion-head belt buckle with fur trim
- One (1) leather belt
- One (1) maroon hem strap
- One (1) pair of gold leather waist and hip armor with scale plates
- One (1) pair of gold leather cuishes
- One (1) pair of gold armored boots
- One (1) dual-layered red cloak with fur trim
- One (1) gold dragon-patterned longsword with wooden scabbard
- One (1) black figure stand
▽MP040: 純銅デラックス版
The 1/6th Scale Dong Zhuo (Exclusive Copper Edition) Collectible Figure Specially Features:
- One (1) Dong Zhuo head sculpture (featuring a lotus hairpin bun and realistic implanted beard)
- One (1) 1/6 over-weighted articulated body
- Seven (7) interchangeable hands
Costumes & Armors:
- One (1) dark red cross-collar long robe
- One (1) pair of dark red pants
- One (1) flying fish helmet with red tassels
- One (1) gold dragon-patterned leather chest and back armor with scale plates
- One (1) gold beast-patterned leather shoulder armor with scale plates
- One (1) pair of gold leather vambraces
- One (1) brocade waist wrap
- One (1) oversized gold lion-head belt buckle with fur trim
- One (1) leather belt
- One (1) maroon hem strap
- One (1) pair of gold leather waist and hip armor with scale plates
- One (1) pair of gold leather cuishes
- One (1) pair of gold armored boots
- One (1) dual-layered red cloak with fur trim
- One (1) gold dragon-patterned longsword with wooden scabbard
- One (1) lion stone drum flag base
- One (1) triple-pronged flagpole
- One (1) maroon dragon pattern war banner with "Dong" inscription
- One (1) black figure stand
▽MP041: 戦馬
The 1/6th Scale Jueying Warhorse Model Specially Features:
- One (1) black warhorse "Jue Ying" (with realistic mane and tail hair)
- One (1) gold beast-patterned horse face armor
- One (1) bridle
- One (1) gold beast-patterned horse chest armor
- One (1) gold dragon-patterned strap with red tassels for the horse body
- One (1) maroon undercloth
- One (1) leopard-print saddle pad
- One (1) dual-layered silver saddle
- One (1) pair of stirrups
▽MP042: 太師版
The 1/6th Scale Dong Zhuo (Grand Tutor Edition) Collectible Figure Specially Features:
- One (1) Dong Zhuo head sculpture (featuring a lotus hairpin bun and realistic implanted beard)
- One (1) 1/6 over-weighted articulated body
- Seven (7) interchangeable hands
- One (1) black mythical beast (Xiezhi) crown
- One (1) dark red cloud-patterned cross-collar long robe
- One (1) pair of black trousers
- One (1) black sleeveless surcoat with red embroidered edges
- One (1) dark red brocade waist wrap
- One (1) leather belt with gold and jade buckle
- One (1) three-tier jade pendant belt accessory
- One (1) black beast-patterned knee guard with red accents
- One (1) pair of black square-toe shoes
- One (1) gold dragon-patterned longsword with wooden scabbard
- One (1) gold seven-star treasure saber with gold scabbard
- One (1) black figure stand